

Brand identity website and app design

  • Design

    Brand identity, Website design, App design

  • Sector

    non-profit organisation

Brief. Strategy

Design of a web and mobile app of a not-for-profit organization that improves dogs and their owners lifes. Users discover local volunteering opportunities and through an emergency section they find missing pets.


a modern and clean aesthetic

The app includes a variety of features, such as a map-based interface for discovering local volunteering opportunities, and an emergency section for reporting and finding missing pets.

The app also includes a feature for users to post about their missing pets and also to find the ones that are missing. The app is designed to be a valuable resource for both dog owners and volunteers, providing a platform for connecting with like-minded individuals and making a positive impact on the lives of dogs and their owners.

Digital Design

simple and intuitive

The web is responsive and accessible, ensuring that it works seamlessly across all devices and platforms. The layout is simple and intuitive, making it easy for users to find the information they need.
