
Packaging design and poster design for a brewery in UK.

  • Design

    Identity, Packaging design, Poster design

  • Sector

    Food & Drink


a brewery with rich heritage

VAUX Brewery, located in Sunderland, has a rich heritage dating back almost 200 years. The brewery was relaunched in 2019 with a focus on bringing people together over high-quality beers and ales. VAUX Brewery offers a wide range of beers to suit different taste preferences, but they are always experimenting with new flavours and combinations. The brewery takes pride in being a part of Sunderland and reflects the city’s passion in its brand. VAUX Brewery is dedicated to continuously developing their range of beers and ales, always striving to satisfy the thirsts of their customers.


a truly unique and exciting experience for customers

The design showcases the unique and innovative flavors of VAUX’s experimental beers, using the design of the cans to reflect the individuality and character of each brew. The typography is bold and prominent, making a statement on store shelves and in the hands of customers.

Beyond aesthetics, my goal was to also create an interactive experience for the audience, helping them to rediscover the true identity of VAUX Brewery and the city of Sunderland. I aimed to push the boundaries of traditional beer can design, delivering a truly unique and exciting experience for customers.

Commemorative Box

perfect for any beer lover

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion that is celebrated by people all over the world, and what better way to show your love and appreciation than with a gift of delicious beer! At VAUX Brewery, they have designed a special commemorative packaging for Valentine’s Day that is sure to impress.

The special commemorative boxes feature six beer cans, each one representing a different experimental beer. The cans are carefully selected to offer a variety of unique and innovative flavours, perfect for any beer lover. The packaging design is inspired by the theme of love.

The typography used on the packaging is bold and prominent, making a statement on the shelves and in the hands of the customers. The colours used are also carefully selected to be eye-catching and attractive, ensuring that these special commemorative boxes stand out on the shelves.

Advertising posters

the perfect balance in flavour, strength, and craftsmanship

The “Perfect Balance” campaign is a concept that focuses on finding the perfect balance in flavour, strength, and craftsmanship in VAUX Brewery’s experimental beers. The campaign’s message is that just like finding balance in life, finding the perfect beer for one’s taste is also important, and it’s not just about the taste but also the balance of strength and the craftsmanship that goes into making it.

The campaign aims to showcase VAUX Brewery’s unique and innovative flavours, the balance of strength and the craftsmanship that goes into making each beer, and how they can enhance any occasion, whether it’s a casual get-together or a special event. The visual elements, such as the photography and graphic design, are intended to convey the idea of balance and harmony in the beer.

The tagline “The Perfect Balance” will be prominently featured in all campaign materials, reinforcing the message and connecting it to the brand, highlighting the flavour, strength, and craftsmanship that make our beer stand out. The campaign will be targeted towards beer enthusiasts, both existing customers and potential new ones, and will communicate the message through various channels, including social media, print ads, and events such as tastings, where people can try VAUX’s experimental beers and find their perfect balance.
